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Bolivian AVP Leader Visits Michigan

MAGALY QUISPE, the Bolivian AVP wonder worker, is scheduled to talk to us about her work in Bolivian Prisons on Saturday Sept 21, 11 AM at the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting worship space at 1420 Hill St., Ann Arbor MI. Magaly Quispe is a Bolivian Quaker and, like most Bolivian Friends, is ethnically Aymara (Aymaras are one of the two …

AVP Michigan Partners with Friends Peace Teams to Offer Ann Arbor Workshop

AVP Michigan Facilitators Joe and Kathy Ossmann and Bill Warters traveled to Ann Arbor to offer facilitation services for an advanced workshop organized by Friends Peace Teams. The August 16-18 2024 workshop was hosted by the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting which provided the space, childcare and home hospitality to make the workshop possible. The event featured a wonderfully diverse group …

Workshop Offered at Covenant Schools in Detroit

On August 22-24 AVP Michigan partnered with Covenant Schools (formerly known as Covenant House Academy) in Detroit to host a Basic Workshop for young people from across the school’s 3 Detroit-area High School campuses. The dynamic AVP Michigan facilitation team included Joyful Joe, Amazing Alexis, Bold Bill who were joined by a talented out-of-state facilitator Optimistic O’Malley from Pennsylvania. It …

AVP Supports Trauma Resiliency in Refugee Communities

AVP Trauma Resiliency Group

An AVP-affiliated group in Ann Arbor ran a community Basic + Special Topic on Trauma Resiliency, offered as an in-person workshop the week of May 30th featuring visiting AVP Facilitator Nadine Hoover. The workshop included 15 teen and adult participants, 1 lead facilitator and 3 apprentice facilitators as part of a pilot project with Mercy-USA that is focused on refugee …

Workshops Resume at ICF

We are pleased to report that AVP Michigan has resumed activity at Michigan’s Ionia Correctional Facility (ICF). We started with a meeting with the prison administration to reintroduce AVP, and then held a 4-hour meeting with our inside facilitators to check on the viability of getting started again. Then on April 22-24 we held a full Supplemental Training for Facilitators …

Changes at Muskegon Correctional Facility

Volunteer programming is restarting at many Michigan correctional facilities and AVP Michigan is looking at getting going again. As part of this process, we were informed about important changes happening at the Muskegon Correctional Facility (MCF) that directly impact AVP at MCF. In 2019, Hope College partnered with Western Theological Seminary to provide a Christian liberal arts education to incarcerated …

Michigan DOC Halts Prison Visits

The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) announced on March 13 that they were suspending all in-person visiting with prisoners and all volunteer programming inside the facilities. This was done in response to the need to take measures to halt the spread of the coronavirus 2019. See the announcement here. Thus, AVP Michigan will be halting all inside workshops until the …

AVP Michigan Milestone

In October, the AVP Michigan team completed their 51st 3-day workshop since getting restarted! A lot of work and caring has gone into each session, and to top 50 workshops since our re-launch is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations to all, especially Joyful Joe and Creative Cathy who have provided leadership all the way along.

First Advanced Workshop Completed at ICF!

AVP Michigan Logo

Congratulations to the inside and outside facilitators who completed our first Advanced Workshop at Ionia Correctional Facility (ICF)! The team included Joyful Joe, Nice Norm, Bold Bill, Friendly Philip (inside facilitator), and Kind Kenyatta (inside facilitator and workshop lead). Our focal themes for the September 20-22, 2019 workshop were Forgiveness, Relationships and Empathy. The thirteen participants gave the session strong …